If We Had Blogs in the Time of Henry VIII

If We Had Blogs in the Time of Henry VIII February 5, 2009

I’m sure we would have seen a sequence of events like this:

King Henry VIII: Martin Luther is contending against the Church, and all her sacred teachings, and no intelligent person would listen to him. Here’s all that he has said which is wrong.

Martin Luther: Oh, King Henry VIII, he thinks people should bow down and worship him. What’s with all the messianic claims? Defender of the Church? That’s only a title worthy of the Holy Spirit.  He wants to dictate to me how to think, and what I should or should not do. That’s evil. Anti-freedom! I demand my Christian freedom and will get away from the Babylonian Captivity!

St Thomas More: I stand with my king. He’s one of the brightest, most enlightened monarchs in the world. And he’s right, Luther is harming the faith. Look here as I show what Luther has to say, and see how erroneous his claims are.

Luther: How can you defend Henry VIII? Bow down and worship your messiah. I warn you, all he does is on your head.

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