Alice Von Hildebrand (and others) critique Christopher West on Theology of the Body

Alice Von Hildebrand (and others) critique Christopher West on Theology of the Body May 14, 2009

Here’s the story from Catholic News Agency. I am not too keen on getting in the middle of the substance of the article (obviously Brett is the expert here), but I would like to say why I am so refreshed to read this.

Too many good, holy, and faithful Catholics—including some of my own family and dearest friends—hold the belief that certain ideas that become popular through the rhetoric of Catholic celebrities (West, Hahn, Cavins [who is a dear friend of mine] and friends) are monolithic or, at the very least, do more good than harm and should be left alone and go unquestioned.

Professor Von Hildebrand reminds us that when approaching the  mystery of the human person (among other things) there is no reason for complacent idolatry—even when it seems innocent and doing more good than harm. Disagreement with popular ideas peddled by Catholic authors and speakers is not tantamount to dissenting Christ, obviously. Because of this, we need more unsettling voices to remind ourselves that Augustine’s restlessness is not reserved for a chosen few. We are all called to constant death and conversion.

Many times, it is best to begin with the death of the ideas we hold dear to see if they can stand the fire of true, loving rigor.

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