Some Good News For the Year of the Priest

Some Good News For the Year of the Priest June 19, 2009

I don’t know what the significance of this is, though I thought it was good to hear just as we are starting the Year of the Priests: When I was at the Newman Bookstore near the CUA campus, I was told that this year they unexpectedly sold out of their “ordination cards.” It was the first for a long time. They usually have left-overs at the end of every year, but this year, they sold out quickly, and they only got their new order of cards in this morning.

Now this could mean one of two things. Either this is an extraordinary year for ordinations (which should lead us to ask why) or it is the start of a new trend. Hopefully it is the second.

Let us pray for all the new priests that they remain faithful to their service to the Lord.

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