Failed Opportunity in Burma

Failed Opportunity in Burma August 17, 2009

Whether or not you agree with sanctions against Burma, one must realize that Senator Webb’s trip to Burma was a failure. Yes, he was able to get an American released from custody, but he was unable to address the real situation as found in Burma. Yes, he might be right in saying sanctions do not always work, but did he try to fix the situation? No. He was also given the opportunity to talk with and dialogue with Burmese officials, but all one can see out of it is that he bowed before their desires. He had no backbone. Did he try to get things to be changed? No. Of course not. He showed the Burmese that Americans just do not care when human rights violations happen when it doesn’t affect Americans. He went in and had a talk with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, with officials in Burma, but said and did nothing of any important. He could have said something. He could have done something. Even a minor protest against the oppression shown to the Burmese people would have been something. All in all,  Sylvester Stallone showed a better understanding of the problems faced by the Burmese than Webb with his Rambo.

What should we expect for an encore? Perhaps Webb will like to visit Gitamona and tell us how nothing can be done to fix the abuses there, so we might as well accept it, too?

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