Speaking of Dialogues…

Speaking of Dialogues… October 21, 2009

The following is an unedited transcript of an IM conversation I had with fellow contributor Sam Rocha. As you will see, I had no idea when it started that it would become a Vox Nova post, but I thought it might function as both a sort of  “mea culpa” and also as food for further discussion.


Sam – you there?




I’ve posted a couple of things related to the Democratic Party on VN, and I get the sense that you think I’m barking up the wrong tree on that – where am I going wrong, in your view? (I ask sincerely, because I respect your intellect and education…)


basically, I think that the Democratic Party–and all the political parties in US history (including their presidents!)–fall incredibly short of what we ought to aspire to politcally.

Most would agreee but contend that we have to like something or someone

And here is my objection:

Insofar as we are dominated by the domain of the merely present and real, we lack the ability to aspire for the future and possible.

To me, mainstream politics creates the very conditions under which conversion and deep, cultural change are unimaginable and dangerous

it disciplines us into not imagining what the world we would want would look like in the prsent world

Which is why poets, artist, and theologians are the greatest enemy of status quo politicians, because they create the conditons of a new world, again and agin


e.g., MLK jr?


yes. and Obama noted correctly this fact in the early primary debates: MLK Jr would have not endorsed himself or Clinton because he didn’t see politics under the limitations of partisan imagination


I think I agree with what you’re saying…

But my concern is this:


For every MLK, you need an LBJ to actually enact, governmentally at least, the demands of justice?


Yes, here is the problem, as I see it:


It then becomes a situation where governmental enactments validate what is possible and real, for MLK freedom was always the case, his struggle was to press the point that unjust law is no law at all.

And in that instance he has a higher appeal to create deep, cultural change than LBJ’s Civil Rights Act

And he did so within politics as well as against it


against it, e.g. his speech where he turned against the War in Vietnam?


and even his “I have a Dream Speech” locates the stuggle for freedom within the “bad check” that had been dealt tot he Negro by the govenment


I’m beginning to see the issue, pehaps – aim to be more prophetic than “political”, per se?


exactly. and with that we would have to give up the fetish of changing the world via legislation and begin to change it through love


Is there really such a dichotomy, though – didn’t MLK talk about power needing to be “love implementing the demands of justice?”


which would not preculde leaving the political realm altogether


The dicotomy is false in the world, but the dialectic against pure politics is necessary, I think


Not sure what you mean by “dialectic against pure politics” – I’m not a Philosophy major 😉;)


something like a necessary reversal

the idea that governace and legislation are the limit of “real” change

much like anti-abortion advocates see no “real” activism in feeding the poor


or giving everyone free healthcare through progressive taxation

I guess another way to put my critique is this way: Intentions.


As in, what are mine?


No party has intention that go beyond their maniacal desire for money and power from donors and the parties let themselves be created acdording to those very same interests

no, the “party’s intentions” I do not question your own…




from time to time we may find a person within the party who makes a claim to something bigger than the almighty dollar, but that is literally becoming impossible in election politics

its ALL about fundraising


by the way, I knew I wouldn’t regret tapping your brain – I really appreciate your thoughts!

And yes, it is looking more and more like you describe

He who has the gold makes the rules


right. my views come from deeply desiring something completely different–I don’t event trust America, democracy, or liberalism

I am a postmodern theocrat

a conservative leftist




historically and philosophically we have given secular modenity a free pass in status quo politics

it presupposes that this is the world we want

well, I don’t I want a different world–a world not of this world


there should be a period at the end of “I don’t.”


I read you – But hasn’t been that a classic excuse for quietism (I know that’s not what you’re doing there)?

I mean…


yes, you are quite right

and I am not “quiet”


I read a lot of commentary that “well, war is unfortunate, but what is one to do in a fallen world?”

And that really bothers me


and you are very good to be skeptical of this if loses hope, and waits for Christ to come.


Talk about being restricted to the world as it is!


But I think that if we take the view that Christ is here and not here we can fight for a better world and refuse to accept it

I think contradiction would be a great way to conduct poltics, its mirrors real life and love more closely


There is a lot of wisdom in that, I think.

When you say “contradiction” – what would that look like in, say, a VN post?


Derrida calls this the au venir–to-come

something never “here” but that must be dealt with in temporality–the here and now


like Christ himself–always and infinately present but never finished or fully grasped


“Agape demands x: in the context of our current political predicament, that might mean _______.” — like that?


Oh, I see. Some thing the following:


In the context of our current political predicament we must reject the very idea that this predicament is something that we need to deal with on its own term and redefine it in terms that takes the human person seriously.


Ah! Got it. Awesome feedback – is there a way to save these chats on FB?


cut and paste to a word doc, I think

maybe you could post it as a dialogue?


on VN, you mean?



it could show them that we actually talk to each other

in ways that are not simply echo chamberish…


What a great idea…I think I will. Thanks again for the feedback.

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