This Is the Kind of Problem the Internet Has Increased

This Is the Kind of Problem the Internet Has Increased December 19, 2009

One of the great things about the internet is that it gives a vast amount of information at the fingertip. But with it, all kinds of misinformation and lies which have been previously refuted keep turning up and believed. Conspiracy theory is big on net, and this has led to a re-awakened anti-Catholicism. 19th century American xenophobia against Catholics, thinking the Church through the Jesuits desire to “control the world” through all kinds of evil means, is accepted a priori by too many of these conspiracy theorists. 

Here is a prime example, from “We are Change” a “9-11 truth” movement which has completely merged with anti-Catholicism to produce one of the most idiotic videos I’ve seen from youtube.

I love how “it’s on the Congressional Record” makes it true – as long as it is not the official 9-11 story. The sad thing is that these people are not just to themselves, but they are influencing Americans from all side of the political spectrum. How is this possible? Because the foundation of American thought is the liberal Enlightenment with its rejection of authority. It’s a common agreement which is fermenting on the internet: authority is bad — authority is manipulative, and anything which has to rely upon official explanations is merely propaganda and only “sheeple” believe it.

While I can understand this sentiment within the context of the liberal tradition, one of the things we must remember as Christians is that Christ is the Good Shepherd; to be called “sheep” is not always a bad thing.

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