What Would You Call a Catholic Who Holds a High Position of Authority in an Anti-Christian Administration?

What Would You Call a Catholic Who Holds a High Position of Authority in an Anti-Christian Administration? February 9, 2010

Just imagine if the internet existed in the third and fourth centuries. You hear about a Christian who submits himself to Emperor Diocletian, asking to be taken in as a soldier. Diocletian had known the young man’s father and is pleased to take in the new recruit. The man quickly finds himself advancing in rank and by his late 20s, he becomes a Tribune stationed with the Emperor in Nicomedia.

Remember, this is a Christian man who was to have a close bond with Diocletian.

What would Christians on the internet say about him? Would people accuse him of formal cooperation with evil by being a high ranking soldier in Diocletian’s army? Remember, this is Diocletian — the Roman Emperor and the leader of an empire which has long persecuted Christians and had not done anything to stop it. What exactly would be said about this man? How would he be treated? What kinds of scandals would he be implicated in? Would he deserve all the names he would be called for having such a high ranking position in an anti-Christian administration?

What exactly would you say about such a man?

Now. Who is this man? Do you know? Click on the “read the rest of this entry” to find out. This man was St George.

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