What I Mean When I Talk About “Our Reptilian Corporate Masters”

What I Mean When I Talk About “Our Reptilian Corporate Masters” February 11, 2011

Glenn Greenwald (one of my political heroes, and one of the very few journalists who dares to challenge the narratives promulgated by our corporat(ist) media) was apparently (and ludicrously) targeted for career destruction by some “guns for hire” retained by Bank of America.  He responded today:

But the real issue highlighted by this episode is just how lawless and unrestrained is the unified axis of government and corporate power.  I’ve written many times about this issue — the full-scale merger between public and private spheres —  because it’s easily one of the most critical yet under-discussed political topics.  Especially (though by no means only) in the worlds of the Surveillance and National Security State, the powers of the state have become largely privatized.  There is very little separation between government power and corporate power.   Those who wield the latter intrinsically wield the former. The revolving door between the highest levels of government and corporate offices rotates so fast and continuously that it has basically flown off its track and no longer provides even the minimal barrier it once did.  It’s not merely that corporate power is unrestrained; it’s worse than that:  corporations actively exploit the power of the state to further entrench and enhance their power.

(Emphasis mine)

This is what I’m talking about when I say that there is an oligarchy who is rigging the whole game in their favor. The entire system is corrupt and top-heavy; this needs to be reformed (painful for elites, but in their long-term interests) or else  the system will morph into something unutterably ugly and wicked. In fact, this has already begun; Caesar has already crossed the Rubicon, and the hour is late.

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