Two News Reports

Two News Reports November 8, 2007

There are two bits of interesting news from the UK which I would like to bring to everyone’s attention.

The first is that after much speculation, it is being reported once again that Tony Blair will become Catholic, with The Tablet saying his reception into the Church is only weeks away. If this is true (which I think by now it seems likely to be), I hope he will now become a positive and vocal spokesman for the Catholic Church in the UK.

Secondly, Bishop Crispian Hollis of Portsmouth is backing a campaign to legalize brothels in Portsmouth. According to Reuters, he is not saying that he agrees with prostitution but that he thinks it will help provide for better care for the women involved: “If you are going to take a pragmatic view and say prostitution happens, I think there is a need to make sure it’s as well regulated as possible for the health of people involved and for the safety of the ladies themselves.” While I sympathize with the desire to help the women, legalizing it, I fear, will lend governmental support to an industry itself which is, by its nature, an abuse against their dignity as human persons, and will slowly begin the process by which other crimes against humanity can be justified “for the greater good.”

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