Easy Essay – The Healthcare Debate Isn’t About Healthcare

Easy Essay – The Healthcare Debate Isn’t About Healthcare July 23, 2009

(* This is my first post as a new contributor to Vox Nova. I should like to tell everyone that my style of writing might be quite different from what normally appears on this site. I tend to write in the Easy Essay format popularized by Peter Maurin, the intellectual guru behind Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker movement. *)

For the Republicans healthcare
is about Obama

For the Democrats it is about
defeating the Republicans

For many Christians it is about
on demand abortion laws

The problem is this isn’t what the
debate is about

The debate is about changing
our consumerist mindset to
one of Personalism and

It is about making money for
the common good and then
sharing that money with the
larger community that needs it

It is about eradicating our ego
and as the USCCB has said “not
grumbling if the government
raises our taxes for the common

It is about living with less and
giving more

For the Catholic healthcare is about
social justice

As Pope Benedict XVI has said, “Humans
are more than just ‘units’ to be used”

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