June 6, 2007

Part 1: Nonviolence vs. The Just-War Part 2: Justice vs. Mercy Part 3: The War of Mercy (Disclaimer: I hope that this discussion can lead all of us to a closer look at Church teachings, and so I have tried to keep my thoughts focused upon the Magisterium’s teachings. It’s my hope that any discussion provoked by this post will maintain the same mindset. Though we can find truth in many places, why not go to its source – Christ... Read more

June 5, 2007

William Donohue of the Catholic League does not like some of the people who endorse Obama. Some of the religious people, that is. In a recent press release entitled “Look Who’s Supporting Obama”, Donohue claims Obama’s website lists testimonials of “three controversial clergymen” including a Chicago-area Catholic priest. Among the accusations are that these clergymen condemned zionism, and blamed 9/11 on American foreign policy, received an award from the Nation of Islam, befriended Louis Farrakhan, and demonstrated against a gun... Read more

June 5, 2007

For most people, the name of Konstantin Pobedonostsev (1827 – 1907) will be unfamiliar at best or detestable at worst. As a tutor and advisor for Tsars Alexander III and Nicholas II, and especially as the ultra-conservative lay Ober-Procurator of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church from 1880 to 1905, Pobedonostsev received little love from the Russian populace. Certainly many of his actions and advice were, as his critics suggest, reactionary, and very few, if any, could readily... Read more

June 5, 2007

I’m still trying to make my mind up about Sunday’s debate of Democratic presidential candidates in New Hampshire. Conventional wisdom places Hillary on top, but I don’t see it: I still find her rather wooden and overly nuanced (but she did net one good line in: quipping about Bush’s diplomacy, she noted the tendency to send Dick Cheney around the world– hardly diplomatic!). Likewise, Obama disappointed. When I read his speeches, I find the rhetoric harking back to a more... Read more

June 5, 2007

My son, in particular, and daughter were all atwitter over their plans for a lemonade stand this summer. We live on a street that accesses a public beach, and so we have a decent amount of traffic come summer. My son, age 6 and showing signs of capitalism that would make J.P. Morgan blush, had already determined that he was going to sell lemonade for 25 cents. I informed him that since he was going to use my property, we... Read more

June 4, 2007

Part 1: Nonviolence vs. The Just-WarPart 2: Justice vs. MercyPart 3: The War of Mercy(Disclaimer: I hope that this discussion can lead all of us to a closer look at Church teachings, and so I have tried to keep my thoughts focused upon the Magisterium’s teachings. It’s my hope that any discussion provoked by this post will maintain the same mindset. Though we can find truth in many places, why not go to its source – Christ and his Church?... Read more

June 4, 2007

Lest some of my readers think I went a bit overboard in my Memorial Day post that denounced American Christianity’s tendency to cuddle up on the couch with American civil religion, do check out these two posts about a new series of Bibles marketed for U.S. soldiers. The back cover of the bibles reads, “The book that defines true liberty and freedom for all time,” underneath an American flag. And do check out the list of “additional features” listed on... Read more

June 4, 2007

Some might wonder why a reactionary such as Joseph de Maistre (1753 – 1821), who lived so long ago, and in a time so different from our own, has any significant thought for us to consider today. It is because he represents, with Burke, one of the major “conservative” responses to the modern, “liberal” political project, that he can provide to us many questions to this project. Even if we do not agree with him, it would be rather foolish... Read more

June 4, 2007

I would like to broach the topic of Natural Family Planning because I find this is one area of Church teaching that is often ignored, misunderstood by both those who use contraception and those who do not, and under appreciated by the masses. I am a convert to Catholicism and it took a very long time before I could fully accept the Church’s teachings on “birth control.” I was raised in the birth control culture and the first time I... Read more

June 4, 2007

I’m in the last stages of preparing what I hope will be a very thorough exploration of Catholic thought on war and peace. I’ve spent the last four days reading encyclical after encyclical, so get ready for some Papa-lovin’! Michael Denton and Christopher Blosser assert that “war is necessary but not sufficient for peace,” and I think Catholic pacifists like myself have to step up to the plate and answer this assertion – not only for others, but for ourselves.... Read more

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