Was the Best Spirituality Book of All Time Written 120 Years Ago?

Was the Best Spirituality Book of All Time Written 120 Years Ago? April 6, 2017

Jon Flobrant via unsplash.com
Jon Flobrant via unsplash.com

#2.  Find Your Center.


Find your center and live in it. Surrender it to no person, to no thing. In the degree that you do this, you will find yourself growing stronger and stronger in it….and how can one find your center? By realizing your oneness with the Infinite Power, and by living continually in this realization.


#3. Wash Your Windows.


If the windows of your soul are dirty and streaked, covered with matter foreign to them, then the world as you look out of them will be dirty and streaked and out of order…go wash your windows, and instead of longing for some other world you will discover the wonderful beauties of this world. If you don’t find transcendent beauties on every hand here, the chances are that you will never find them anywhere.

~Ralph Waldo Trine, In Tune with the Infinite


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