
Gay Conversations with God: Straight Talk on Fanatics, Fags and the God Who Loves Us All,
by James Langteaux

“Profound and provocative! THIS is a must read. Gay Conversations With God is not a book ‘just’ for the queer Christian community. This book is full of humor and insight – that ALL of Christianity should read – an unexpected love memoir of the creation being authentic with the Creator.”

Uncensored Prayer, by Joy Wilson

“Honest and freeing, Uncensored Prayer resonates deep within the soul,
teaching us (the creation) to deeply connect with our Creator.”

boneYARD: Creatives will change the way we lead in the church, by John O’Keefe

“I’ve been in church leadership for over 16 years and for the first time in a long time I’ve found a leadership book that speaks my language. boneYard challenges church leadership here in USAmerica (no matter how big or how small your faith community) to explore healthier ways to engage the culture of the here and now by inviting a left brain institution into a right brain world.”