About the Book and Author

Now Featured in the Patheos Book Club
Becoming the Son
An Autobiography of Jesus
By C.D. Baker

Jesus Christ changed the world, and not just for Christians. Knowing who he could have been can make a great difference in the way any of us understands ourselves and others. Yet, most of us only know him according to very narrow perspectives, usually controlled by churches or other communities. The result is to sometimes miss the Bible's amazing clues that invite us to broaden our minds. Through the power of imagination, the reader will experience truth as new possibilities about Jesus Christ are revealed.

This novel is the product of four years of full-time research and writing. Baker's commitment to historical research led him and his wife to a "boots on the ground" hiking tour from Nazareth to Capernaum (www.jesustrail.com). His work was further enhanced by spending hours with Amer Nichols, the historian for Nazareth Village.

About the Author

C. David Baker's first novel, A Journey of Souls, was released in 2000 and re-released as Crusade of Tears, a Christee Nominee. He has published seven historical novels and two books of Christian reflection in the U.S., U.K., Germany, Ukraine, and Belarus.

A meticulous researcher interested in discovering the untold story, Baker has traveled throughout Europe and the Middle East. His interviews have included a variety of fascinating people including Manfred Rommel, son of the German Field Marshal, and author Johann Voss, both of whom contributed much to Baker's World War II breakthrough novel, The Seduction of Eva Volk. His latest release is, Becoming the Son; An Autobiography of Jesus, a four-year project that took him throughout Israel.

Now a full-time writer, Baker founded and managed a successful business, was an elected local official, and served on several mission boards. He has a master's degree in Theology from the University of St. Andrews, Scotland. The father of two sons, Baker lives on a small farm in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, with his wife, Sue. Together they raise livestock with an interest in natural/organic methods and a passion for humane treatment. Failure has been part of his life as well. It has been these deep valleys that have led David to the well of Grace, from which the essence of his writing is drawn.

5/16/2013 4:00:00 AM
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