What People Are Saying

"Who else but Carl McColman could write such a magnificent primer on contemplative spirituality. If you long to journey deeper into the heart of God then this wise, accessible, practical, and engaging book should be on the top of your list. It is a first rate contribution to the conversation about the vital relevance of ancient spiritual practices for contemporary people thirsting for communion with God."
—Ian Morgan Cron, author of Jesus, My Father, the CIA, and Me and Chasing Friends: A Pilgrim's Tale

"This well-written book presents the classic precepts and practices of the Christian contemplative path in a clear and helpful way."
—The Rev. Cynthia Bourgeault, PhD, author of Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening and The Wisdom Jesus

"Carl McColman masterfully maps out for the serious spiritual seeker the nature of the mystical experience and outlines a clear and accessible pathway on how to get there."
—Kyriacos C. Markides, author of The Mountain of Silence

"In this three-part narration of the spiritual journey, Carl McColman, in his own inimitable style, demystifies the mystical and clearly points toward a rich and rewarding life journey to be taken here and now. In his previous writings he has demonstrated a remarkable ability to break into bite sized pieces some really obscure, profound and paradoxical truths. Answering the Contemplative Call continues this approach as he explores the profound but illusive pathway of the mystic. If you find yourself haunted with a hunger "for something more" in life, this book will guide you in this eternal quest."
—Ben Campbell Johnson, Professor Emeritus, Columbia Theological Seminary; author of Hearing God's Call and Companions in Contemplation

"Answering the Contemplative Call not only offers a clear and compelling invitation to the contemplative life, but it points us toward the ineffable territory of the "pathless path".   While reading this wonderful book I kept remembering that text, "when I am lost I am found".  Carl McColman reminds us that the contemplative journey is the destination.    With deep insight and clarity framed by a lighthearted style he invites us to awaken to the Divine Mystery within and all around us.   Unambiguously, McColman affirms Christ consciousness as his spiritual anchor while also acknowledging the unity consciousness within other religious and spiritual traditions.  A remarkable blend of the universal and particular, Carl McColman's unique perspective opens the reader to the Christian mystical tradition as a compass to the Holy Presence that pervades our lives-here and now.  These fieldnotes on the contemplative journey are so warmly written that the reader will likely hear in the author's voice, a true spiritual companion.  If you have an appetite for spiritual food then here is a table where you will be fed."
—Robert V. Thompson, former chair of the Parliament of World Religions and author of A Voluptuous God

"In a culture that seems to always expect a 'big-box-store' religion-with instant fixes and entertainments at our fingertips-Carl reminds us of the crucial nature of the journey in, with, and to Christ.  Only when we embark on this deep journey of exploration and wonder can we experience the fullness of intimacy with God.  This wonderful book should be chewed and savored within parishes who yearn with the question what might that Something More look like to a people who are truly hungry?"
—The Rev. Stuart Craig Higginbotham, author of The Obedire Project

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