"In Soulful Spirituality David Benner has done it again! In this profound, highly readable book that plumbs the depths, he integrates his impressive gifts in psychology and theology with his own lived spirituality as a lifelong seeker. To immerse oneself in Soulful Spirituality is the next best thing to sitting down with him for a transforming, intimate, and enlivening conversation."
—Margaret Guenther, professor emerita of ascetical theology and former director of the Center for Christian Spirituality, General Theological Seminary
"David Benner offers us a masterpiece of understanding and guidance for mature, fully alive human living that is grounded in the depth of spiritual and contemplative awareness and practice and is further informed by his psychological knowledge and long experience attending to his own and other people's calls to authentic spiritual and human becoming. His questions and suggestions at the end of each chapter provide helpful ways to connect his insights and practices with readers' lives. The profound and fiercely honest human and spiritual wisdom found here will leave the reader more in touch with both the impediments to full human aliveness that need to be attended to and the possibilities of such aliveness, which are aided by the many concrete spiritual practices that he offers. He challenges our settling for a narrow, repressed way of life and spirituality and calls us to become more truly alive in every dimension of our being: body, soul, and spirit."
"Anything David Benner writes is worth reading, and this is no exception. Read and be fed with real food!"
—Richard Rohr, OFM, Center for Action and Contemplation, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Now Featured in the Patheos Book Club
Spirituality and the Awakening Self
The Sacred Journey of Transformation
By David G. Benner