Author Events

Now Featured at the Patheos Book Club
The Only Little Prayer You Need
The Shortest Route to a Life of Joy, Abundance, and Peace of Mind
By Debra Landwehr Engle

Foreword by Tenzin Gyatso, His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama

Author Events

October 9
Radio Interview
9:30 a.m. Central Time
Conscious Talk Radio

October 28
Radio Interview
12:00 Noon Central Time
Life Mastery Radio

November 6
The Common Thread: The Only Little Prayer You Need
7 p.m.
Plymouth Congregational Church
4126 Ingersoll
Des Moines, Iowa

November 8
Hope for the Hungry Conference
9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Plymouth Congregational Church
4126 Ingersoll
Des Moines, Iowa

November 11
Radio Interview with Tina Klonaris-Robinson
3:00 Central Time

December 6
Book Signing
4 p.m.
Beaverdale Books
2629 Beaver Avenue, Suite 1
Des Moines, Iowa

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