Now Featured in the Patheos Book Club
Angels, Satan, Heaven, Hell, and Winning the Battle for Eternity
By Jack Graham
What People are Saying
We sometimes forget that the real powers in this world are spiritual rather than physical. I'm thrilled that in Unseen Jack Graham reminds us of the hidden battles we face and instills hope and assurance that believers will emerge victorious. I highly recommend this insightful, biblical, and very personal book.
—Mark Batterson, New York Times bestselling author of The Circle Maker
I was captivated by Unseen from start to finish. Dr. Graham has powerfully addressed some of the greatest questions and concerns of our day. We must all recognize that we are in a spiritual battle. This book will help you to not only understand what is going on, but how God has equipped each and every one of us to live a victorious, overcoming Christian life as light in the midst of darkness. This book is a must-read for every Christian.
—Christine Caine, founder, The A21 Campaign , bestselling author, Undaunted
Good and evil, heaven and hell, God and Satan, angels and demons--the Bible says they are real. But what should we really do practically to live a Spirit-empowered life like Jesus? That is the very important theme of this timely book.
—Pastor Mark Driscoll, founding and preaching pastor, Mars Hill Church, founder, Resurgence and co-founder, Acts 29
Jack Graham is a man of God who understands the spirit world. Our battle isn't against people. It's against Satan and demonic spirits. Jesus' conquest over those evil forces enables us to walk victoriously as we prayerfully put on God's armor and appropriate His Word. Unseen is a mandatory manual for every spiritual warrior!
—Steve Gaines, PhD, senior pastor, Bellevue Baptist Church, Memphis, TN
What you see is not all there is. Unfortunately, too many people are losing battles they don't even know are being fought. In his timely book, Unseen, Dr. Jack Graham equips and empowers us to fight and win spiritual battles God's way. If you are longing for more spiritual power and understanding, read this book.
—Craig Groeschel, senior pastor,, author, Altar Ego: Becoming Who God Says You Are
The key word that comes to mind concerning Jack Graham's new book Unseen is needed. There is a war in the heavenlies that touches this earth, but the good news is that we can win the war. Read, be instructed, embrace its truth, and win the battle.
—Johnny Hunt, pastor, First Baptist Church, Woodstock, GA
Lift your eyes from the urgent and set your sights on eternity, where a hundred years from today you will be alive and fully aware. Jack Graham calls us not just to finish the race to eternity, but to break the tape accelerating, and his insightful book Unseen tells us why and how!
—James MacDonald, senior pastor, Harvest Bible Chapel and author, Vertical Church
The unseen aspects of the spiritual life are the most important and often most difficult to understand. But our lack of understanding doesn't negate the reality. Jack Graham's words in Unseen will open your eyes to the spiritual battle that surrounds us, and most important, a clear direction to our victory in Christ. Allow Dr. Graham to lead you on a life-changing journey into the unseen.
—Gregg Matte, pastor, Houston's First Baptist Church, author, I AM Changes Who i Am
Pastor Jack Graham presents a tactical manual every Christ-follower needs for winning the spiritual conflict with unseen forces of evil.
—Kerry Shook, founding pastor, Woodlands Church
There is a spiritual realm. It is real. I'm thankful that Jack Graham has given us a peek behind the curtain. His words and spiritual insights will challenge and encourage you to live this physical life with spiritual eyes.
—Pastor Dave Stone, Southeast Christian Church, Louisville, KY
In a day when there is so much talk about heaven and hell, you may wonder, What is fact and what is fiction? In this marvelous book, my pastor, Jack Graham, takes us right to the source, to the Word of God, and brings us the truth with clarity and hope.
—Sheila Walsh, author, God Loves Broken People
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