Now Featured in the Patheos Book Club
Peaceful Passages: A Hospice Nurse's Stories of Dying Well
By Janet Wehr, RN
"We don't often hear death referred to as a miracle; nor do we often associate the experience with the word joy. Hospice workers, however, are among the people who would not be surprised to hear people talk of joyful deaths. Not only have they witnessed them, they have helped to bring them about. After almost two decades working as a hospice nurse, Janet Wehr has been part of the miracle of death many, many times. Now she is sharing some of the stories that have made her work so fulfilling. There is a growing movement in this country to 'desegregate' dying and reclaim the spiritual components of this very powerful life experience. Hospice workers like this author are at the forefront of that movement. They know better than most what it means to 'die with dignity' in a familiar environment surrounded by loved ones. Wehr has put 46 of her insightful memories into words with clarity and joyful remembrance trying to pass her knowledge along. Let customers know that Wehr is an experienced Therapeutic Touch practitioner who encompasses all aspects of dying in her work, those from this world and those from the other side."
--Anna Jedrziewski, Retailing Insight Magazine
"Janet's dedication to patients and their families is breathtaking. This book is a reflection of the spirit that drives her on a daily basis. Janet has helped me to believe in Angels. This is a book you will read more than once."
--Greg Thome, President/CEO of Hospice of America, Inc.
"This book manages to say what all of working in hospice long to express. It covers all aspects of death and the dying process and would be an invaluable resource for anyone—everyone—who will take this journey with a loved one. I highly recommend this book as a guide, a teaching tool, and as a comfort to any person dealing with death or the dying experience."
--Samir Patel, RN, BSN
10/1/2015 4:00:00 AM