Now Featured in the Patheos Book Club
The Pursuing God: A Reckless, Irrational, Obsessed Love That's Dying to Bring Us Home
By Joshua Ryan Butler
About the Book
Is God Lost?
Many of us feel that way. It's as if God's gone missing, out in the universe somewhere—and we pick up the hunt, following any trail of breadcrumbs to go find him. We speak of "searching for God," "exploring spirituality," and "finding faith."
But what if we have it backward and God is the one pursuing us? What if our job is not to go find God, but to stop running and hiding? Not to discover the light, but step out of the shadows? Not to earn God's love, but simply receive it?
Jesus reveals a God who comes after us, who is on the prowl, hunting down his world for reconciliation. And the question we're left with is not whether we've been good enough, jumped high enough, or sought hard enough…
The question is, "Do we want to be found?"
"Most spiritually perceptive writer of his generation."
--Sarah Thebarge, author of The Invisible Girls
"Dramatic, Textured, and Beautiful."
--J. Todd Billings, Western Theological Seminary
"THE Book To Read For 2016!"
--Preston Sprinkle, Author of People to Be Loved
About the Author
Joshua Ryan Butler serves as pastor of local and global outreach at Imago Dei Community, a church in the heart of Portland, Oregon. Joshua oversees the church's city ministries in areas like foster care, human trafficking, and homelessness; and develops international partnerships in areas like clean water, HIV-support, and church planting. Joshua is also a worship leader who enjoys writing music for the life of the church.
5/16/2016 4:00:00 AM