Now Featured in the Patheos Book Club
The Seven Deadly Sins
A Visitor's Guide
By Lawrence S. Cunningham
Sloth, envy, gluttony, greed, anger, lust, and pride: when and how were they first identified? Who grouped them together? Can we truly resist their pull?
Renowned theologian Lawrence Cunningham explores these questions and others in his book, The Seven Deadly Sins: A Visitor's Guide.
Cunningham traces the roots of the seven deadly sins to the mystic experiences of the desert fathers, who—in total solitude—experienced and identified these corrupt inner desires as forces that twist us away from God. He offers examples and insights from scripture, Christian tradition, and modern life, helping readers meet each of the seven deadly sins with a corresponding virtue.
About the Author
Lawrence S. Cunningham is the John A. O'Brien Emeritus Professor of Theology at the University of Notre Dame. A leading U.S. scholar and award-winning professor, Cunningham is best known for his work in the areas of systematic theology and culture, Catholic spirituality, and Catholic saints.
Cunningham has edited or written more than twenty-five books and is the Christianity editor of the forthcoming Norton Anthology of World Religions.
Read more about Lawrence Cunningham at his webpage here:
12/16/2012 5:00:00 AM