About the author:
Lily Burana is a punk rocker turned writer and editor.
She is the author of three books, including Try (St. Martins Press, 2006) and I Love a Man in Uniform: A Memoir of Love, War, and Other Battles (Weinstein Books, 2009).
Her recent interest in religious and spiritual issues has broadened her audience, with pieces about faith published in The New York Times Sunday Edition, The Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, and syndicated by the Religion News Service. She has had numerous other articles published in The Washington Post, GQ, Self, Glamour, Entertainment Weekly, Details, The Village Voice, Slate, Salon, and The New York Observer.
About the book:
I had tried everything: therapy, medication, meditation.
Everything except God.
Lily Burana was in crisis. Desperate for rescue from her depression and anxiety, the punk-rock-girl-turned-writer feared she would die. She was down to her remedy of last resort: faith.
A lapsed believer who had drifted away from the church and into a life on the margins during her young adult years, Lily had long believed that Christianity had nothing to offer her. Then an unmistakable sign from above led to her unexpected decision to let God in—just a little bit. But how could she come to terms with a religion she had dismissed as hostile and intolerant?
In this collection of linked essays that chronicle her spiritual recovery, Lily explores what it means to embrace “a faith of surprisingly Jesus-y shape.
Whether recounting her history as a “baby Goth,” extolling the healing power of glitter, or wrestling with God for control over her life, Lily proves that you don’t need to have a flawless faith in order to experience God’s grace in action.
10/16/2017 6:11:34 PM