Now Featured in the Patheos Book Club
Sex and the Single Christian Girl
Fighting for Purity in a Rom-Com World
By Marian Jordan Ellis
What People Are Saying
"Marian Jordan Ellis speaks and writes with passion and clarity on the issue of sexuality like few other voices in this generation. She is serious about equipping young women with truth and power from God's word. If you are a female, get a copy of this book for yourself. If you know a female, get her a copy. This important book is honest, effective, bold, and encouraging for any young woman who takes Jesus seriously, wants the best for her own future, and cares about her own body and heart. We cannot recommend it strongly enough."
—Clayton and Sharie King, NewSpring Church, Crossroads Ministries, Authors of 12 Questions To Ask Before You Marry
"With the soft entreaty of a sympathetic soul, yet drawing on the well of a sage's deep wisdom, Marian Jordan Ellis befriends all single women in their quest to honor God with their bodies. With gems such as "rules will be broken but visions are lived," "you're not something, you're someone," calling women to settle for no less than being cherished, rousing them to live a courageous lifestyle, and pointing them to dependence on the Holy Spirit instead of reliance on self, Marian equips all singles with very workable, real-life spiritual disciplines that are true to faith and Scripture. She has provided a road map, an app, a guidebook, and a personal "spiritual Siri" all in one, giving any single woman what she needs to walk a life of obedience. With great compassion and empathy, Marian shows singles that she knows where they're coming from, and yet she is also strong enough to tell them not to compromise, and wise enough to tell them how they can get to where they ultimately want to go."
—Gary Thomas, author of Sacred Marriage and The Sacred Search
"I thank God for Marian Jordan! God uses Marian's honesty, vulnerability, and straight talk to cast a vision for true life and love to thousands. God continues to use her to share His hopes for us—real life, real pleasure and how to break free from the schemes of the evil one and the bondage of the pain of choosing our own way. Whether you feel like a failure or are looking for answers, Sex and the Single Christian Girl will offer vision, direction, and practical steps for connecting with the God as the author of your life and the lover of your soul, as well as assurance that in His power you can live the life He created you to experience."
—Mark Gauthier, Executive Director, US Campus Ministry—Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ)
"In today's culture, sexual experimentation outside of marriage is perfectly acceptable, but the Word of God does not change and is not determined by the trends of the time. In this book, Marian shows Christian women, living in a sex-crazed world how to stay strong against temptation and sexual sin. Sex and the Single Christian Girl is based on Marian's personal experiences, but even more importantly, it's based on the Word of God!"
—Jordan Easley, Teaching Pastor & Multi-Site Pastor at Long Hollow Baptist Church & Author of Life Change
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