When we first learned of the millions of people enslaved in our world today, we wished we were young again, when we thought we could take on the world. We were fired up and wanted to correct injustice. But we grieved because we thought there was not a thing we could do. . . .
Once we got over the desire to find a grandiose response to the injustices of slavery and to punch bad guys in the face, we moved forward in the small, meaningful actions that are needed every day. We came to realize we could help right where we were, right in this season of life, right in our neighborhoods—we are the cement in this modern abolitionist movement. We continue to be busy moms; however, today we live our lives intentionally aware of our surroundings and our neighbors. Slavery still exists in my backyard, but I know now I have resources and power to fight it.
Adapted from Chapter 9, "Be the Nosy Neighbor," Refuse to Do Nothing: Finding Your Power to Abolish Modern-Day Slavery