Now Featured at the Patheos Book Club
Called to the Life of the Mind
Some Advice for Evangelical Scholars
By Richard J. Mouw
What People Are Saying
"Much to be welcomed are these wise words from a wise man about the Christian stake in wisdom. Shakespeare had it just slightly wrong — for this book, brevity is the soul of wisdom."
—Mark A. Noll, University of Notre Dame
"Too many Christian responses to anti-intellectualism end up endorsing what Augustine calls curiositas — the pursuit of knowledge for knowledge's sake. This marvelous little book from one of my heroes, Rich Mouw, is a distinct call for the faithful cultivation of the mind in the service of Christ. It will help a new generation to love God with heart, soul, and mind."
—James K. A. Smith, Calvin College
"Mouw's wise genius for Christ-honoring straightforwardness has never been better displayed than it is here."
—J. I. Packer, Regent College
"A gem of a book. Reflecting on the rhythms that can sustain the evangelical scholar, Mouw works especially with 'epistemic humility' on the one hand and 'epistemic hope' on the other. . . . What a gift to evangelical scholars!"
—Richard T. Hughes, Messiah College
"Mouw offers advice that is not only informative but also encouraging to evangelical scholars and those considering a scholarly vocation. Herein are sage virtues needed for the evangelical scholarly pursuit."
—Amos Yong, Fuller Seminary
"A refreshing reminder that cultivating our thought life and scholarship can only be done when we also keep in touch with the Lord. These musings from an experienced Christian leader will be solid food for Christian scholars everywhere."
—Darrell Bock, Dallas Theological Seminary
"Mouw assures us that we can navigate the perilous terrain of the hyper-critical, the fragmentation of knowledge, the isolation, all the while attending to the One in whom all reality coheres. I can hear him saying, 'You can do this.' "
—Cheryl Bridges Johns, Princeton Theological Seminary
"Winsome guidance. . . . Every evangelical scholar will benefit from reading these essays based on a life of leadership in the evangelical academy."
—Roger E. Olson, Truett Seminary, Baylor University
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