Now Featured in the Patheos Book Club
Heaven on Earth
Realizing the Good Life Now
By Chris Seidman and Joshua Graves
So often, our view of the good life is the busy, exhausted, driven, and unhappy life. But what if there was a different way to live—now, not when we get to heaven, but now?
A short list of "blessings" called the Beatitudes is Jesus' declaration of what "the good life" is, and an invitation to immerse ourselves in it. If we understand the Beatitudes, we realize they are less about what we do and more about what God is doing—what God values, how He operates, and what He's up to in our (actually His) world.
Authors Seidman and Graves offer a practical guide to changing our course to realize the good life now.
About the Authors
Chris Seidman serves as the Lead Minister for The Branch (, a multi-site church (membership of 2000+) in Dallas, Texas. He and his wife, Tara, are the parents of three boys. He has been with The Branch since January of 2001. In addition to The Branch, he has also preached for Gateway Church of Christ in Pensacola, Florida; as associate preaching minister for The Hills Church of Christ; and as campus minister for Southern Hills Church of Christ in Abilene, Texas.
Josh Graves is the lead minister for the Otter Creek Church in Nashville, TN. He is author of The Feast: How to Serve Jesus in a Famished World (Leafwood, 2009). Josh also wrote the Study Guide for Lee Camp's acclaimed Mere Discipleship (Brazos Press). Prior to moving to Music City, Josh was the teaching minister for the Rochester Church and taught religion and spirituality courses for the department of religion at Rochester College (MI). Josh is currently a doctoral candidate at Columbia Seminary in Atlanta studying the relationship of postmodernism and Christian faith. He speaks at churches and conferences regularly around the country. Josh's first book, The Feast, was written to young adults and progressive Christians in attempt to re-imagine the role of the church in a pluralistic society. The Feast responds to our hunger for a holistic spirituality that is rooted in the Jesus Story. It invites us to pull up around the table and feast on the Scripture. The Feast is a book seeking to bridge the world of reflection and practice. The chasm of belief and practice (a product of the Enlightenment and its quest for facts and objective truth) is evident even in many of today's "post"modern writings. He is originally from the suburbs of Detroit (Rochester).
12/1/2012 5:00:00 AM