Are We Listening to Each Other?

Now Featured at the Patheos Book Club
The River Is Always Waiting
By Stephen Measure

When it comes to same-sex attraction and same-sex marriage, is it a matter of who we are or is it a matter of what we do? That is a crucial question to consider as we decide what society should promote and what it should discourage.

Do those who oppose same-sex marriage do so because of the people? Do they believe that a man who wishes to marry a man is less important than they? Do they believe he doesn't deserve the same happiness as they? Do they believe he doesn't deserve the same recognition, support, and encouragement from society?

Or do those who oppose same-sex marriage do so because of the action? Were that same man to decide to marry a woman, would they oppose him? Or is it the action itself, the act of a man marrying a man that they oppose?

I could continue along to a conclusion—but that would be pointless. Admit it: your reaction to my words above is based entirely on the opinion you already have. If you oppose same-sex marriage, then you are probably nodding along in agreement. But if you support it, you have probably identified what you consider to be multiple flaws in my writing and perhaps in my personal character as well.

You see, essays, debates, arguments—they are ineffective. We are not listening, and if we are not listening, then why bother talking? But I have a story I'd like you to read. I'd like you to hear about Simon. I'd like you to hear about his life, and his struggles, and his choices. The rest I leave up to you. Will you allow yourself to understand what I am trying to say? I certainly hope so. But if not, I will try harder.

3/1/2014 5:00:00 AM
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