Now Featured in the Patheos Book Club
Six Sacred Rules for Families
A Spirituality for the Home
By Tim and Sue Muldoon
What People Are Saying
"Tim and Sue Muldoon have done something wonderful, here: they've managed to impart and apply Ignatian wisdom to the realities of family life, and in the process they've communicated a spiritual perspective that is immensely valuable to the stressful job of parenting. I loved this book and couldn't put it down. Although my children are grown, the insights and tools shared here are as applicable to the parenting of adult children as to young ones, because they are rooted in true wisdom and can only strengthen the family dynamic. I just wish these rules had been in my hands twenty years ago!"
—Elizabeth Scalia, author of Strange Gods
"Tim and Sue Muldoon have created something rare indeed: a quick and enjoyable read worth ten times its weight in gold. You will want to enjoy it over and over, highlighting and underlining as you go. This delightful resource is overflowing with practical wisdom for every parent who longs to give their children the treasures of a living faith in Jesus Christ. Endearing and entertaining personal stories from the Muldoons' marriage and family life illuminate simple, but powerful spiritual lessons—lessons accessible enough to embolden even the most timid among us to draw nearer to Jesus Christ, and to bring our children into vibrant relationship with Him."
—Lisa Mladinich,
author of Be an Amazing Catechist
"This new book helps to fill a huge gap in the world of Christian spiritual writing: the home. Tim and Sue Muldoon's lovely work is a warm, practical, inviting, user-friendly, and family-tested manual on ways to find God in the complex world of the family. Too often books on family life are written either by celibates with no lived experience of changing diapers, or by fathers or mothers who give the impression that their family is the exemplar of all that is good. Six Sacred Rules wisely grounds itself in the Gospels, but also reflects the authors' real-life experience in struggling to find God in the messy and often beautiful place where we all begin our spiritual journeys: in the family."
—James Martin, S.J.,
author of The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything
"Tim and Sue Muldoon have beautifully captured practical ways of being a life-giving domestic church. With real-life examples and illustrations they drive home the vital message of keeping Christ at the center of family life. I highly recommend this book to parents and grandparents as well as pastors and educators."
—Bonnie Mack,
Marriage and Family Minister,
Archdiocese of Cincinnati
"Deeply schooled in scripture and classic—especially Ignatian—spirituality, Tim and Sue Muldoon offer their readers inspirational and practical stories about their own search for the sacred ground beneath the often shifting landscape of family life. Six Sacred Rules for Families is a thoughtful and welcome reflection on what it means for both parents and their children to embark on the ultimate adventure of finding God in all things."
—Wendy M. Wright,
Professor of Theology, Creighton University
"Young parents will find in this gem of a book an invitation to see God's presence in the struggles and joys of creating and sustaining a family. Tim and Sue Muldoon reflect on their experiences of cultivating spiritual practices in their home and offer concrete advice for keeping love at the center of family life. A great resource both for those who struggle with faith and for strong believers who want to live their faith more deeply."
—Julie Hanlon Rubio,
Associate Professor of Christian Ethics,
St. Louis University
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