Now Featured at the Patheos Book Club
One Way Love
Inexhaustible Grace For An Exhausted World
By Tullian Tchividjian
Praise for One Way Love
"I have been greatly encouraged by the emergence of a new generation of committed and articulate Christian leaders—and my grandson Tullian Tchividjian is certainly in the forefront of this development. His deep understanding of the gospel and his unique ability to communicate its timeless truths with compassion and insight have already had a profound impact on countless men and women. May God use this book to expand your understanding of what Jesus Christ has already done for you.
—Billy Graham, evangelist and author
"Tullian goes straight to the heart of what is taking the heart out of people: an addiction to performance. Performancism equates value with accomplishments. God's grace, on the other hand, equates value with God's love. It is one-way, from Him. And it is guaranteed. Tullian captures the wonder of grace and offers it to us all. I urge you to read this book!"
—Max Lucado, pastor and best-selling author
"Tullian has a cut-and-thrust style that's completely engrossing. I was totally captured from the first sentence. His Pearl of Great Price is God's therapy for our wounds. It's a therapy of no 'buts or brakes.' Haven't you had it with buts and brakes? As if the world doesn't crowd you with enough of them to stint any of life's joys, the church lards them on 'sans merci.' Down with them, says Tullian! But not for Tullian's sake, or for any man or woman's sake, but down with them for Christ's sake. One Way Love should be a sing-along book. It should be a Coca-Cola jingle. It's the Real Thing. And this book will teach the world to sing."
—Dr. Paul F. M. Zahl, author of Grace in Practice
"In the pressure-cooker world of professional sports that I live in, where it's tempting to locate my value in how I perform, Tullian's book comes as a relieving breath of fresh air."
—Tony Romo, quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys
"A new book from Tullian Tchividjian is always a cause for celebration! I'm an old cynical preacher and sometimes I grow so tired—exhausted really—from trying to live up to the standards of those who manipulate and manage in the name of Jesus. This book is like a safe harbor in a ghastly storm because it's about truth, grace, and Jesus. One Way Love is a refreshing drink of cold, pure water to a thirsty soul. Read it and give it to everybody you know. They will rise up and call you blessed."
—Steve Brown, president of Key Life Network, radio-show host, and author of Three Free Sins
"Somehow we Christians keep forgetting what Christianity is all about: not being good, but being forgiven because we are not good; not our performance, but Christ's performance; not grace as a theological abstraction to argue over, but grace as the one-way, unmerited love of God. In this vivid, heart-rending book, Tullian Tchividjian recovers the magnitude of God's grace. In doing so, he also shows how this one-way love can transform all of our relationships, including in our marriages and in our parenting, and how an awareness of the grace of God can free us from the exhaustion of always having to prove ourselves."
—Gene Edward Veith, professor of literature and provost of Patrick Henry College and author of The Spirituality of the Cross
"Faith without grace is exhausting. If you're tired of trying to fix you, with you, read this book. If you're done with keeping score and hoping your next good action will cancel out your last bad action, read this book. If deep down you hope that grace is a gift for the hopeless, not a compensation for the hardworking, read this book."
—Jon Acuff, New York Times bestselling author of Stuff Christians Like
11/1/2013 4:00:00 AM