Faith, Sex, and Suicide: Nothing We Won't Talk About

"If you build it, he will come."Field of Dreams

Something intensely mysterious happens when we walk with Jesus Christ. We become fruitful in unexpected ways. As we learn to view everything in reference to our relationship with Him, meaning and purpose take root and flourish in our lives.

I started a little apostolate in 2007 with no real expectations of success. My website for catechists would probably fail, I thought, since I'm "nobody" out there in the world. But a strange thing happened. Word spread swiftly, and a flood of inquiries brought me over a dozen qualified volunteers before Amazing Catechists was even launched. They stormed in like pioneers at a barn-raising and made my dream come to life with their prayers, their talents, and their generosity.

Amazing Catechists has surpassed all my expectations because of these extraordinary people who bring such unique and exciting perspectives to every aspect of teaching, learning, and living the Faith. As a result, Amazing Catechists is a site where you can talk about absolutely anything, and we just love it when our readers participate in the conversation!

With 25 columnists, I can't link to them all, but here are a few to get you started:

On Faith: Listen to some of these testaments to faith by some of our columnists, interviewed by writer and speaker Pat Gohn via links to her popular podcast, Among Women.

On Sex: Award-winning novelist and NFP/Chastity expert Ellen Gable Hrkach explores the spiritual dangers inherent in voluntary sterilization.

On Suicide: Faith & Family Live blogger, Robin Lee, writes with tender compassion about teens and suicide.

On Grace: Author and RCIA Coordinator Mary Lou Rosien tells a brief but touching story of "grace in a blue sweater."

On Guilt: DRE and blogger Marc Cardaronella says he doesn't like the Palm Sunday liturgy, and you shouldn't either!

On Power: Scripture professor Monsignor Robert Batule breaks open the truth about real power and the suffering of Christ.

On Holy Days: Author and blogger Sarah Reinhard shares a surprise lesson on the Immaculate Conception.

On The Bible: Author and blogger Christian LeBlanc says that "the Bible wants to tell the story, so let it!"

On Evangelization: Inspirational speaker Steve McVey sounds the call for good storytelling and creative evangelization techniques.

On Seeking: DRE and blogger William O'Leary breaks down the differences between teaching and initiating into Christ.

On Subbing: Blogger Dorian Speed makes us laugh about substitute teaching, even as we feel her pain.

On Marriage: Blogger Jennifer Fitz helps us teach world-weary students about marriage.

On Yoga: Blogger and New Age expert Mary Ellen Barrett tells it like it is!

On Heaven: Educator and writer Christine Capolino's family has found a slice of heaven in a little cabin in the woods.

On Lent: Blogger Mr. Christopher Smith, O.P. embraces the change of season to draw closer to Christ.

12/2/2022 9:05:38 PM
  • Catholic
  • Be an Amazing Catechist
  • Christianity
  • Roman Catholicism
  • Lisa Mladinich
    About Lisa Mladinich
    Lisa Mladinich is a Catholic wife and mother, catechist and workshop leader, and the author of the popular booklets, "Be An Amazing Catechist: Inspire the Faith of Children," and "Be an Amazing Catechist: Sacramental Preparation" available from Our Sunday Visitor. She is the founder of