Nones or Nuns?

The way forward is a return to the core of the faith and a refreshment of the ever-living tradition of the church. The way forward, of course, is not for all men and women to run off and join a religious order, but to see the renewal that is taking place within the religious orders and transpose that same spirit into the lives of our families, our parishes, and our schools and colleges.

What are the hallmarks of this renewal? First, there is a re-commitment to the prayer of the church. Only through prayer will our lives, and the life of the church and the world be transformed. Secondly, there is a re-commitment to the liturgy. A renewal of the liturgy of the hours and the liturgy of the Mass are crucial, for the heart of prayer and mission is energized by the liturgy. Thirdly, there is a new commitment to simplicity of life that enables and empowers the life and mission of the church. When Christians live in simplicity of life they achieve focus and energy to do God's work in the world. Fourth, there is a renewed vitality to study and scholarship. The movement is smart and articulate. Finally, this renewed life is marked by a zeal for souls, a joyful and dynamic desire to live and preach the gospel. This renewed Catholic life is what will save the church in decline, and nothing else.

It seems Pope Benedict has been reading the same passage from the Book of Revelation. In his address this week to the synod of bishops for the new Evangelization he has stated that being 'tepid' is the worst danger for Christians. What the Church in America needs is not some new five-year plan, or more wringing of hands and long faces, but some fire in our hearts and a new passion for our faith.

12/2/2022 9:05:39 PM
  • Catholic
  • Father Dwight Longenecker
  • Culture
  • Christianity
  • Roman Catholicism
  • Dwight Longenecker
    About Dwight Longenecker
    Fr. Dwight Longenecker is the Parish Priest of Our Lady of the Rosary Church in Greenville, South Carolina. His latest book is Catholicism Pure and Simple.