
Heretic Happy Hour

#123: Black Liberation and Queer Theologies with special guest, Rommell Parks-Weekly (Decolonizing Christianity Series) EPISODE 129

Is the theology you were born into the only option? In this new series, the Heretic Happy Hour crew invites experts to walk us through other options for embracing faith from new perspectives. Let’s decolonize American Christianity's White Male cultural, theological, and psychological dominance. Black and Queer Christians have a lot to teach us about faith, love, and acceptance. Pastor and author Rommell Parks-Weekly's experiences as a gay man and a black pastor are invaluable as he shares his insights with us in our second episode of this new series. To support the Heretic Happy Hour podcast on Patreon, please go to www.patreon.com/heretichappyhour. As this is a crowd-funded podcast, we cannot continue without your help. So sign up today!!! Thank you! Check out all the QuoirCast Podcasts: This is Not Church Messy Spirituality IdeasDigest Apostates Anonymous

(May contain occasional profanity)
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