You can hear more from Esther on her podcast where she co-hosts with Lizz Enns Petters. Deconstructing Mamas is available where podcasts are found, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify and iHeart. You can also find Esther on the Deconstructing Mamas Instagram Page.? There is also a private Facebook Page for Deconstructing Mamas that you can join through their Patreon. Esther is also on Instagram as MomsofBigs and EsthertheDollyMama You can find out more about all Esther offers on her website at Thank you, Esther, for sharing your journey with us today! ? ? ? Honoring the Journey is hosted, produced and edited by Leslie Nease and the artwork for the show is also created by Leslie Nease. Pick up Leslie's new book, Honoring the Journey: The Deconstruction of Sister Christian here. Interested in working with Leslie as your Life/Faith Transitions Coach? Check out her website and learn more about what she offers! If you'd like to be a part of the Honoring the Journey Team as a Patreon Supporter, please check it out at this link ! Would you like to leave a voicemail for Leslie? Click here! If you are looking for community as you deconstruct or just a place to go and enjoy the company of people who are seekers, learners and who are looking to connect with the Divine without religious baggage, please join the Private Facebook Community ! Leslie is very passionate about connection and community, so if that sounds like you, please come join us!