
Why I Stay

Jennifer Knapp on Kindness, Empathy, and Humility EPISODE 4

Jennifer Knapp is a singer/songwriter, activist, author, and speaker. Learn more Jennifer on her website. Most people say Jennifer grew up in a non-religious home, but she disagrees. While she didn't consider herself an Evangelical until she was in college, she had a lot of exposure to religion, both its good and bad. It wasn't long after Jennifer found faith that fame found her. Her first album, " Kansas ," was a huge success and put her on a path of constant touring, writing, and promoting. Jennifer kept it all together until 2004 when she went on sabbatical to Australia to take some earned rest. She never really considered her sexuality and how it interacted with her faith until her mom outed her to herself in her late twenties. Jen didn't have a lot of the baggage about LGBTQ+ issues many other Christians did, but it still led to a lot of wrestling and learning. Eventually, Jennifer made her relationship with another woman public, and she was faced with the backlash she expected. But that didn't push her away from faith. She dug in, spoke out about compassion, graduated from divinity school, and kept playing music and speaking up for LGBTQ+ communities. If you play music, you can Jam with Jen on her website. If you're enjoying this series, consider rating and reviewing Why I Stay on your podcast app of choice. Also, consider checking out the other podcast offerings from Patheos here. You can subscribe to the Patheos YouTube channel by clicking here or Like and Follow us on Facebook. Curious about religion? Learn more at https://www.patheos.com/

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Episode 5
Dan Stringer on Struggling with Evangelicalism
Dan Stringer is a pastor, author, and campus minister in Honolulu, Hawaii. You can get your own copy of " Struggling with Evangelicalism: Why I Want to Leave and What it Takes to Stay " anywhere books are sold. Dan is a missionary kid who never lived in the continental US until he went to Wheaton College. He realized quickly that, while he had picked up a lot of American culture in his MK schools, he still had a lot to learn about American Evangelicalism. Dan has spent his years since then serving the Church, usually bi-vocationally, but that doesn't mean he's comfortable with it all. There really are days when he wants it all to go away and start with a new seed. His unique experiences of growing up in multiple cultures and being bi-racial has given him a wise and patient perspective on the good and bad parts of Evangelicalism. Rather than throwing the baby out with the bath water, he has sought to use his voice and position to call for some changes that will make Evangelicalism a better home for people of all stripes. Learn more about Dan and his book on his website, DanStringer.net Find him on Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , and LinkedIn. If you're enjoying this series, consider rating and reviewing Why I Stay on your podcast app of choice. Also, consider checking out the other podcast offerings from Patheos here. You can subscribe to the Patheos YouTube channel by clicking here or Like and Follow us on Facebook. Curious about religion? Learn more at https://www.patheos.com/
Episode 8
Brian Zahnd on Discovering a Rich, Substantive Faith
Brain Zahnd is the founding pastor of Word of Life Church in Saint Joseph, Missouri and an author of multiple books. In this interview, Brian talked with us about his Christian journey so far, from finding faith in the Jesus Movement to his involvement in the Charismatic movement to the founding of Word of Life Church and then eventually to the radical and very public renovation of his faith in his 40s (before it was cool). In that process, he was accused of heresy and lost many members of his church. But he continues to press on, now a leading voice for people who cannot find a home in conservative evangelicalism or within liberal mainline communities. He's written several books including Water to Wine and Sinners in the Hand of a Loving God. His latest release is When Everything's on Fire: Faith Forged from the Ashes. If you or someone you know is struggling with their faith, then consider this book. It focuses on renovating faith in light of its historical and intellectual richness. You can learn more about Brian, his books, and find his blog on his website. You can also Follow Brian on Twitter , Instagram , and Facebook to find consistent encouragement in your life. If you're enjoying this series, consider rating and reviewing Why I Stay on your podcast app of choice. Also, consider checking out the other podcast offerings from Patheos here. You can subscribe to the Patheos YouTube channel by clicking here or Like and Follow us on Facebook. Curious about religion? Learn more at https://www.patheos.com/