In Chapter 5, Sh. Mohammad Elshinawy lists some of the prophecies made by the Prophet ﷺ. Sections: The Byzantines will Rebound The Abode of Abū Lahab The Globalization of Islam Undeterred by Time or Distance Six in Sequence Counting the Conquests Security will Prevail The Last Emperors A Whisper in His Daughter’s Ear The Longest Arm The Martyrdom of ‘Umar and ‘Uthmān Inevitable Infighting Tensions Among the Prophet’s Household The Fate of ‘Ammār ‘Alī Suppressing the Khārijites Repairing the Rift Cycling Back to Virtue is Promised Asmā’ Sends A Tyrant Home Umm Ḥarām’s Date with Destiny Preempting the Questioner An Unforgettable Sermon The Emergence of Selective Textualism A Horrific Wildfire Prosperity and Hedonism Before the End Times Competing in Materialism The Unavoidability of Ribā (Interest) An Increase in Brutality and Killing The Plunge into Immorality Muslims Becoming Easy Prey The Immortality of His Nation Never Thought You Would Speak Download the full e-book: