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Image source: Fair Use
  • Faith: Hinduism
  • Profession: Scholar
  • Lived: (Modern Era)
  • Nationality: Indonesia
  • Known for: Foremost scholar of Hindu theology in the world today
  • Fun Fact: Wiana used the Vedas, one of the Hindu holy texts, to agrue that the sacrifice of endagered sea turtles was not necessary in puja.
  • Fun Fact: Wiana and the priests who urged the end of using real turtle meat suggested that ceremonies could instead use turtle shaped rice cakes or drawings or sculptures of turtles.
  • Fun Fact: 
Ketut Wiana is a prominent Hindu scholar in Indonesia and considered one of the foremost scholars of Hindu theology alive in the 21st century. His speciality is Balinese Hinduism, a form of monotheistic Hinduism that is, as the name suggests, practiced by the majority of the population of the Indonesian province of Bali. The tradition is considered a distinct form of Hinduism that combines the Hindu practice of ancestor worship, reverence for Buddhist saints and local animism.

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