The Pathology of Modernity: Individualism v. Individuality

As a society we are starving education, undermining equality under the law, destroying democracy, and annihilating the natural world that supports us so that 'individualists' can think they owe nothing to anyone. Perhaps fittingly, autism is growing among our children. It is certainly symbolically fitting that the Republicans have nominated a man who in his inability to relate with other human beings and his propensity to say whatever is useful in the short term, embodies elements characteristic of both sociopathy and autism. And he and his handlers present images of 'independent' businesspeople who live in utter ignorance of what made their successes possible. Mitt Romney and all he stands for perfectly exemplify the Republican right and the final collapse of individualism into nihilism.

Here a Pagan sensibility with its emphasis on divine immanence and the sacred feminine can give us a far more balanced view of our relation to our society and how to think about the problems of the modern world. We depend more on the actions of people we do not know and knowledge that we will never grasp than has any member of any society from any time in the past.

12/2/2022 9:01:59 PM
  • Pagan
  • Pointedly Pagan
  • Business
  • History
  • Individualism
  • Mitt Romney
  • politics
  • Paganism
  • Gus diZerega
    About Gus diZerega
    Gus diZerega is a Gardnerian Elder with over 25 years practice, including six years close study with a Brazilian shaman. He has been active in interfaith work off and on for most of those 25 years as well. He has conducted workshops and given presentations on healing, shamanism, ecology and politics at Pagan gatherings in the United States and Canada. Follow Gus on Facebook. Gus blogs at Pointedly Pagan