Where Do We Go From Here?

While there is no universally recognized or accepted or canonized cosmological doctrine in the Ekklesía Antínoou, it just so happens that I accept both of these options on the Greek and the Egyptian side as my own preferred answers to these questions. My queer theology is so queer that even though my main deity is an ostensibly homoerotically-inclined god (Antinous), he emerges very remotely down the scale of being from a theogony that starts with, in essence, procreative lesbianism. But, I'm sure there are queerer possibilities out there, and I hope to see many of them proliferate in the future.

There are many larger questions here, and in all of them, I am wondering "where do we go from here?" There is the question of what is next for the LGBTQ rights movement, and what (if anything) will be made a legislative priority subsequently, and even if there is such a thing as an LGBTQ community that is viable and not more than a feel-good identifier for what has tended to be a mainstreaming gay and lesbian movement. There is the problem of racial equality in the U.S. and the legislative hurdles that have been created as a result of removing legislation that protects certain fundamental rights of citizens in the U.S. on the assumption that we're so used to racial equality (less than fifty years of it in a nation that had slavery for nearly a hundred, and a very real lack of equality for a hundred more) that it need no longer receive specific protection by law.

There is the problem of the continued intolerance toward LGBTQ people within modern Paganism; and, there is also the question of the viability of the notion of a "modern Pagan" movement, as has become so obvious in the recent debates amongst polytheists and non-polytheists. There are important questions of this same nature that I must engage with in my own practices, involvements, and activities within my own spiritual traditions, as I assume there is for any number of other people reading this (and not reading it!). And due to the large nature of these questions, it will be impossible for one person to "solve" any of them; but likewise, it should not be taken as too daunting to consider the various options on all of these matters at all, and to start engaging in useful conversations about them with our peers in all of our interconnected communities.

12/2/2022 9:01:59 PM
  • Pagan
  • Queer I Stand
  • History
  • politics
  • Sexuality
  • Paganism
  • P. Sufenas Virius Lupus
    About P. Sufenas Virius Lupus
    P. Sufenas Virius Lupus is a metagender and a founding member of the Ekklesía Antínoou (a queer, Graeco-Roman-Egyptian syncretist reconstructionist polytheist religious group dedicated to Antinous, the deified lover of the Roman Emperor Hadrian and other related gods and divine figures). E is a contributing member of Neos Alexandria and a Celtic Reconstructionist pagan in the filidecht and gentlidecht traditions. Follow Lupus' work on the Aedicula Antinoi blog.