Looking Death In the Eye: Becoming Resurrection People

I believe it will begin by looking at death, planetary and human, full in the face, and then deciding to live with that memory and reality before us. If we are followers of Jesus, we have chosen a path that demands dying. For U.S. Christians of the middle class, like me, that may mean giving up many small, happy conveniences, and being willing to look at suffering in the world and its insistent links to my life choices.

And yet, like the amazing appearances of the resurrected Jesus we will revisit in this coming weeks, this path will also be embracing beautiful things — human community, food shared, fear relieved, and a deep, powerful Spirit unleashed. A hallmark of true Christian community has always been to create places of refuge and caring and joy.

In the digital, consumer, wealthy settings in which I live, I believe that creating that communal space of love takes different kind of work, but never was it more necessary. It begins with looking death in the eye. But it ends in joy.

12/2/2022 9:10:35 PM
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