The second thing that strikes me on seeing this video is that what we believe about the future is not dictated by anything outside of us. If we went by the level of noise (there's that word again) generated by the political versus the spiritual conversation on the Trayvon Martin tragedy, we would be hard-put to find anything hopeful. The political debate is inherently about taking sides, and, in this case, obsessing over race. If that's the voice we listen to, we will be discouraged and without hope.
But we can choose to listen to the voice of God. According to Hebrews 11:1, "Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." It is our choice whether to believe that the power of God, working in people of other races, is mightier than the shabby stratagems of politics and resentment. That choice is not dictated to us. Indeed, making that choice is the greatest power we have. In the video of the Sanford pastors, I see a group of people who have chosen to believe in the power of God. And I say: amen, my brothers and sisters! Amen.