Creation Themes In Scripture

Sixth Theme: God's Re-creation
Sin and the destruction of creation do not have the final word, however-in either the Old Testament or the New. God's ultimate and still unfolding purpose is toward the blessing of all life, human and other-than-human. In the Old Testament, the people of Israel carry this blessing and promise through Abraham and Sarah. God's desire to renew all creation is linked to the renewal or recreation of Israel.

The New Testament views Jesus Christ as the one who brings God's blessing of recreation or resurrection to reality in a unique way as God's own Son, the promised Messiah. "For God so loved the world," John 3:16 says, "that God gave the only Son." Jesus embodies the promise made to Abraham and Sarah that God will bless them and, through them, bless the earth. Christ's life, death, and resurrection impact not only human life but the fundamental order of creation.
[See Psalm 145; Isaiah 11:6-9, 43:15, 18-21; Hosea 2:18-20; John 3:16-17;
2 Corinthians 5:17-18; Ephesians 1:8b-10; Colossians 1:15-20;
Revelation 21:1-5.]

Seventh Theme: Sabbath
In the first account of creation (Genesis 1:1 - 2:3), the climax of creation isn't the creation of humankind (day six) but rather the creation of sabbath (day seven)-when God pauses to savor all that God has made. Pausing to rest and delight in God, God's creation, and the gift of life is central to Jewish identity and is reaffirmed throughout scripture.

If we pause to rest and savor, perhaps we will see, hear, or experience how all of life seems held together (apart from our daily efforts) by God-and how each and every part of creation fulfills God's purpose and blessing.
[See Genesis 2:1-3; Exodus 20:8-11; Psalm 131.]

Eighth Theme: All Creation Praises God
Scripture presents a vision of "shalom" or wholeness in which creation itself sings, dances, and even applauds God's greatness. To paraphrase Thomas Merton, a tree, simply by being a tree, praises God. Two people in love, simply by being two people in love, praise God.
[See Psalm 96, 98:7-8, 103:22, 148, 150; Isaiah 42:10-11; Daniel 3:74-83.]

There you have it-eight large, overlapping, recurring themes throughout the Bible that speak to the inter-relationship between God, humankind, and the non-human creation. The scriptures of the Old and New Testament have much to offer contemporary Christians as we look for guidance in how best to live in peaceful relationship with the creation (including its human creatures) that God loves. Within the biblical witness there is creativity and struggle, wisdom and folly, sin and brokenness, forgiveness and healing, suffering and-most importantly-hope and renewal.

Sam Hamilton-Poore is the Director of the Program in Christian Spirituality at San Francisco Theological Seminary, as well as Assistant Professor of Christian Spirituality. He is an ordained Minister of Word and Sacrament in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and has served congregations in North Carolina, Missouri, and Iowa. His most recent book is entitled Earth Gospel: A Guide to Prayer for God's Creation, published by Upper Room Books.

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