What's For Passover


Blintzes  -------------------------------------  Shavuot
Fish heads  ----------------------------------  Rosh Hashanah
Candy apples  -------------------------------  Simchat Torah
Meat stuffed peppers  ----------------------  Sukkot
kreplach  -------------------------------------  Purim
prasifutcho (leek and egg soufflé)  --------  Passover
ejjeh batata (potato fritters)  --------------  Hanukkah
roast chicken  -------------------------------  Shabbat

Il Bollo (a sweet bread)  -------------------  Yom Kippur
Muflita (pancake served with honey)  ---  Maimouna (Sephardic spring festival)
Grilled onions and potatoes  --------------  Lag B'Omer

1/1/2000 5:00:00 AM