The Meaning of Life in Summer Movies

X-Men Origins: Wolverine, based on the popular Marvel comic books series and previous films, provides the back story for Wolverine, played by Hugh Jackman. He is one of many gifted human mutants searching to understand themselves, avoid being exploited by others, and to learn to use their individual super powers for good.

Each of these films, all parts of franchises, has one or more heroes that set out on a quest, a journey, a search that takes them beyond themselves (even Dr. Langdon). They make sacrifices for others. They each engage our imaginations about things that matter (and some that don't but can be most entertaining.)

Although I don't think any of these films will come close to The Matrix in terms of delving into life's search for God or meaning, they prove, it seems, that science fiction has had a brief re-birth. Summer 2009 offers much to talk about to a new generation of filmgoers and older ones, too.

So are the films religious? Fr. Bud Kieser, CSP, (1931-2000) founder of Paulist Productions and the Humanitas Awards for screenwriting, said it best in an interview in 2000: "The word "God" might not be present, but the reality is; when human beings lay down their lives for others, God is present."

Sister Rose Pacatte, FSP is a Catholic sister and the director of the Pauline Center for Media Studies in Los Angeles. She is the film/TV critic for St. Anthony Messenger and an award-winning author of books and articles on scripture and film. Her blog is

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1/1/2000 5:00:00 AM