Homosexual Marriage: Morally Unspeakable and Legally Ludicrous

We certainly will not acquiesce to the political pressures which the homosexual community has been placing upon the freedom of speech guaranteed to us, opponents of their value system. In our democratic society, we have every right to express our own views, however reactionary they may seem, and to promulgate a society in which only a man and a woman can join in a ceremony of marriage, and that only they are seen as the rightful initiators of that most sublime of all earthly projects: the human family.


GreenbergIn Response (by Rabbi Steven Greenberg): Rabbi Hershel Weinreb's [article on] same-sex marriage (see above) is deeply confounding on two accounts. The first is that his position makes no distinction between religious and civil marriage and the second is because it calls for empathy while offering nothing of the sort. The first confusion is a problem in America regarding the meaning of marriage that ought to be cleared up. The second, however, is a state of affairs that just might be a sign that things are changing. Read More | Read Greenberg's article


Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb was the executive vice president of the Orthodox Union from January 2002 through April 2009, where he represented and served Orthodox Jewry through hundreds of synagogues across North America and beyond. Rabbi Weinreb received his rabbinic ordination in 1962 from the Rabbi Jacob Joseph Yeshiva in New York. He received his Masters degree in Psychology from the New School for Social Research, and in 1970 earned his Ph.D. from the University of Maryland. He has received awards from numerous Jewish institutions, and he was recognized for his religious public service with a medal presented to him by Pope Benedict XVI. He is also the rabbinic liaison for NEFESH: the North American Network of Orthodox Mental Heath Professionals, and is a member of the Ethics Committee of the Veterans Administration Hospitals. Rabbi Weinreb married Chavi Taub in 1965, and they live on the West Side of Manhattan. They have three children and ten grandchildren.



7/7/2009 4:00:00 AM
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