The Scope of God's Care

The YEV? series asks evangelicals of all stripes two questions. First, Why are you an evangelical? Or, in other words, what do you think evangelicalism gets right? Second, Where would you like to see evangelicalism in 10-20 years? Or, in other words, where do you think evangelicalism still needs to grow? Thus we invite our interviewees to reflect on what is of deepest worth in the evangelical tradition and also to think creatively about how the evangelical community can grow in the years to come.

This week we interview Kathy Tuan MacLean, the Boston area director for InterVarsity's Graduate and Faculty Ministry. Kathy has a Ph.D. in Human Development and Social Policy from Northwestern University.

Previous installments of the YEV? series have interviewed Jeff Barneson, a "sandal-wearing guru" of campus ministry at Harvard University; Daniel Harrell, a pastor at Boston's storied Park Street Church; and Joshua Good, who is doing social justice work in Washington, D.C.

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9/18/2009 4:00:00 AM
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