An Interview of Richard Stearns
Richard Stearns, the President of World Vision, was interviewed for Patheos when he came to Cambridge, MA, to speak at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. As with the other videos in this series, he is asked two questions: "Why are you an evangelical?" and "Where would you like to see evangelicalism in 10-20 years?" So the interviewees are asked to reflect upon what defines evangelicalism at its best, and how it should grow.
The YEV video series seeks to explain the values of the evangelical church and its traditions and inspirations as well as where the church might continue to be reformed and refined in the coming years.
This video was produced for the Evangelical Portal at Please see the other videos in this series:
- Dr. Mark Roberts, a leading pastor and author, and famous blogger of
- Kathy Tuan-MacLean, Boston area director of InterVarsity's Graduate and Faculty Ministry
- Jeff Barneson, a "sandal-wearing guru" of campus ministry at Harvard University
- Daniel Harrell, a pastor at Boston's storied Park Street Church
- Joshua Good, who is doing social justice work in Washington, D.C.
10/27/2009 4:00:00 AM