Tony Dungy: Relying on God

By Tony Dungy

I think it's great to be able to show the world not only that African-American coaches can do it, but that Christian coaches can do it in a way that, you know, we can still win. I want to show people that being a Christian and being successful are not mutually exclusive. When people ask me, "How do you stay so calm on the sideline?" I have to tell them it is Christian maturity and Christ working in me. It's not natural. It didn't happen overnight. It was a process. I know how powerful God's spirit is.

I know He can change people. And I know that He will do that if we allow Him to. A personal relationship is the only way I've found true peace, joy, and forgiveness.

Listen to Tony Dungy tell of his faith in light of his son's death:


This article first appeared at Beyond the Ultimate and is reprinted with permission. See Beyond the Ultimate for more stories of athletes of faith.

Tony Dungy, former professional football player and coach, led the Indianapolis Colts to Super Bowl victory in 2007.

10/16/2009 4:00:00 AM
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