Everyday Advent Guide

Advent Devotions. No matter whether your family does daily devotions or not, make it your Christian New Year's resolution to take some time out of the day to talk with your family about the coming of Christ.  Maybe choose to focus on Mary's Song in Luke 1:46-55 or make a Jesse Tree with your family - it's a craft and a devotional! (Instructions can be found here: http://www.crivoice.org/jesse.html.)


This article originally appeared at the blog Everyday Liturgy and is reprinted with permission.

Thomas Turner is the Senior Editor, Literary Arts of GENERATE Magazine and blogs at EverydayLiturgy.com. He is also on the ministry team at The Plant, a community cultivating love, truth, and compassion in Mahwah, New Jersey. 

12/8/2009 5:00:00 AM
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