Top Ten Stories of 2009

Clergy Struggle in Public Poll. How well are clergy members respected? Not very, according to a Gallup Poll released this year that reveals just 50 percent of respondents think highly of clergy. While clergy do better than most of the professions respondents were asked about (coming in eighth out of 22), the approval rating was the lowest in 32 years. The reason for the decline isn't known.

Archdiocese of Washington Threatens to Pull Social Services to 70,000 because of Same-sex Marriage Bill. When the D.C. City Council backed a bill to recognize same-sex marriages, the Archdiocese of Washington threatened to withdraw social services to 70,000 individuals it serves through Catholic Charities. Following Mayor Fenty's signing the bill, the Archdiocese seemed to back away, but the future here is unclear. Religious organizations on both sides of this issue weighed in heavily.


Reprinted with permission from the Congregational Resource Guide, an effort of the Alban Institute in consultation with the Indianapolis Center for Congregations and other specialists
12/29/2009 5:00:00 AM
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