Converting to Paganism

What I found in the Craft was something that no other path had offered me -- a spirituality and a religion that expressed what I had come to deeply believe. AA often makes the distinction between spirituality and religion, and I think it is an important distinction to understand. The beauty of the Craft is that it fulfills both needs in me -- the internal need for a mystical spirituality, a relationship between myself and the Divine, and the external need for ritual, liturgy, and form. Not to mention community.

I am an initiated Wiccan who now practices as a Solitaire out of equal parts circumstance and temperament. The Way of the Witch feeds my heart and soul, and I wouldn't trade what I have found along this Way for all the green cheese in the Moon. My only regret is that I did not find this Path sooner. But then, O Sensei Morihei Ueshiba, the Founder of aikido, did not create that art until he was in his 40s. I have many years yet in which to serve the Lady and the Lord.

I left Christianity not in anger, but out of a need to find something more. I lost many years to the prison of addiction. In the end, through circumstances beyond my imagining or control, I found my way to the arms of the Goddess. Like so many of us, after years of wandering, I came home at last.


This article was first published at Witchvox, and is reprinted with permission.

RuneWolf studied the work of Michael Harner in the discipline of "core shamanism" and then Traditional Wicca for several years. He received his Third Degree in a rather spontaneous Initiation from a very powerful and accomplished Priestess. He subsequently began to investigate Asatru and modern Heathenry, as well as the shadowy nooks and crannies of British Traditional Witchcraft.  Some of the Traditions that influence him the most are British Traditional Witchcraft, Wicca, Druidry, Asatru, Vanatru, Dark Paganism, and, of course, core shamanism.

3/16/2010 4:00:00 AM
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